
FVND Back to School Newsletter!

FVND Back to School Newsletter! (PDF)

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North Dakota Guardianship

ND Guardianship 2 pages

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Children and COVID-19 Vaccines

6 things to know about COVID-19 VaccinationVaccination for Children and Teens with Disabilities

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Presentation from the North Dakota Health Department

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Children With Disabilities Medicaid Coverage

Children With Disabilities Medicaid Coverage

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November 2021 Newsletter

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Self Care for Parents

Takin care of yourself is important so that you can take care of those you love. The resources below contain many ideas and information regarding taking care of yourself. Self

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Living in an Adult World

ND State Bar Association has updated their information on becoming an adult and one’s legal responsibilities. Click HERE to read more!

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Dropping Out is a Process, Not an Event

Dropping Out is a Process, Not an Event Handout Video

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Early Identification and Referral of Children who are Deaf-Blind

The North Dakota Dual Sensory Project is a statewide technical assistance and training program funded by the US Department of Education, Office of Special Education Programs, and the North Dakota

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