Childcare is vital to many families of children with special health care needs and the choice of a childcare program is always an important one. For families of children with special needs childcare decisions may seem to be even more overwhelming. Including your child in a typical program may seem difficult, but everyone benefits from inclusive care. You and your child will have greater contact with other families, links to community resources and services and opportunities for childhood friendships. Your child will have a better sense of belonging, self-esteem and confidence in his/her abilities while learning and sharing with their typical peers. Other children will develop a greater sensitivity and awareness of the differences in others and themselves.
Choosing the Right Childcare Program
Choosing the appropriate childcare program can be an overwhelming task. How do you decide which program is right for your child? What kinds of questions should you ask? What if there are concerns about your child’s special needs? Check out the links below for some information and suggestions that will help you to pick the program that’s right for you and your child.
North Dakota Child Care Resource and Referral has a nice checklist for you to use when looking for providers:
Starting a licensed child care business:
ADA and Childcare–
Find a licensed day care in ND through ND Child Care Resource and Referral-
Financial Help with Childcare for Low Income Families
To find out if you are able to receive assistance for child care inquiries can be made at your county social service office. To find your county social service office: