Young children (ages 1 to 5) are usually found at home, in child care, in public programs such as Early Head Start, Head Start, or North Dakota Pre-K, and in neighborhood preschool programs. Young children with disabilities may also be served in these settings as well as public or private preschool programs designed specifically for children with special needs.
Head Start
Head Start and Early Head Start programs provide many different early childhood and family development services for children birth to five years old, pregnant women, and families. These high quality services are provided to encourage healthy development in low-income children and their families. In the Head Start and Early Start programs, at least 10% of the children should be children with disabilities.
Links in North Dakota
Head Start Collaboration Office
Preschool Special Education
ND Early Childhood Special Education
Understanding Early Childhood Transitions
Private Preschool Programs
There are many private preschool options available to young children. Some of them may be specifically for children with disabilities, while other private programs are run by churches and other organizations. As you consider private preschool programs, you may want to ask if children with and without disabilities are welcome and included.
Early Learning at Home
Children do much of their learning at home. Playing with your young child is a great way to spend time with her and model play behavior and other learning skills. It is also a great way for siblings to be able to interact with a brother or sister with developmental delays.
Center for Early Literacy Learning (CELL)
National Association for the Education of Young Children-