March 2020
- Posting by Mathias Gieser
- Homepage

FVND staff have compiled links that we hope will be helpful to all of you. Please save this information for future reference and share with others. We know there is much information out there and that we may have missed someone. If we omitted anyone, it certainly was not intentional. Please feel free to contact us for assistance at 888-522-9654 or [email protected]
North Dakota Department of Health
- North Dakota Department of Health COVID-19
- North Dakota Department of Health Hotline: 866-207-2880
- North Dakota Special Health Services
North Dakota Department of Human Services
- North Dakota Department of Human Services
- Stakeholder’s letter which includes links for Mental Health
North Dakota Department of Public Instruction
- ND DPI COVID-19 Updates
- For questions regarding your school, please contact your local school district
- Parent FAQ’s from Special Ed Division
- Insurance Commissioner Issues Bulletin Supporting Coverage for Coronavirus (COVD-19) Testing
- Blue Cross Blue Shield Information
Health Affiliate Information
- Sanford Health information
- For other hospital affiliates across the state, check their websites or Facebook pages for their updates and guidance.
- Ancillary Services and providers: PT, OT Speech, Music, Early Intervention, and Centers etc., please check with whom you receive services for their updates and guidance.
North Dakota Statewide Family Support Organizations
There are many local support networks in regions across the state; please check in with them directly, many also have social media pages. If you are unsure call us and we can connect you.
- Family Voices of North Dakota Phone: 888-522-9654
- North Dakota Federation of Families for Children’s Mental Health Phone:877-822-6287
- Pathfinder Services of North Dakota Phone:701-837-7500
- Designer Genes Phone:701-391-7421
Other supports:
- North Dakota Protection and Advocacy Phone:800-472-2670
- North Dakota Centers for Independent Living
- The Arc of North Dakota
- Unemployment/Job Service ND
- First Link- 2-1-1 Phone: 701-235-7335
Federal information
- Center for Medicare and Medicaid Services
- Office of Civil Rights- Letter to Stakeholders
- Families First Coronavirus Response Act
Helpful Links:
- Family Voices Coronavirus Resources and Information
- 5 Things to do for families of children with special health care needs
- Social Story and Visual attached
- Plain Language Information on COVID-19
- Self Determination video on Youtube
Again, we know that this is not an all inclusive list. We appreciate everything that is being done by our state and local officials and all who are helping others in many ways across the state. WE are all in this together!
Please be sure to follow the CDC guidelines.